JAMM President Announces Resignation

After 14 years as the leader of the Jazz Alliance of Mid Michigan, Lois Mummaw is stepping down as president of the organization that she & her husband, jazz composer and former JAMM Treasurer Gregg Hill, co-founded in 2009.

Lois asked that her letter to the current JAMM Board be shared with all our Founding Members, Supporters, Past Board Members, Honorees, and Scholarship Recipients. Please see below.

Dear Officers of the Jazz Alliance of Mid Michigan–Paulette, Natalie, and Lynne– and the At Large Board Members–Ken, DJ, Stuart, Doug, Ralph, Ian, David, and Beth,

First of all, I’d like to thank Paulette for agreeing to be the Interim President for the rest of 2023. JAMM would not be intact right now if not for Paulette’s relentless promotion of JAMM since my 2017 illness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your leadership, Paulette.

It is with a mixture of sadness and joyful anticipation that I officially tender my resignation as President of JAMM. Sadness because I have thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with all you Jazz Cats over the past 14 years. Joyful anticipation because of all that lies ahead with my grandson, music & traveling with Gregg, and a couple of (not-so) secret projects I’ve been working on.

It is my hope that JAMM will continue with its original mission of “preserving and promoting the tradition of Live Jazz across Mid Michigan” by supporting the Cafagna/Izenson Scholarship, securing gigs for the JAMM Scholarship Band at festivals and jazz & JAMM events, donating to and volunteering for area jazz festivals and jazz events, hosting one or more Member Mixers throughout the year, and staying involved with International Jazz Day. I also am very confident that you all are very capable of EXPANDING JAMM’s reach by fundraising and writing grants to support things that haven’t even been thought of yet!

If you all decide to continue the tradition of the Annual JAMM Tribute, I would like to suggest that you keep Ian as the Coordinator and Arlene as the Music Director–they both have done an extraordinary job of organizing the Tributes in the past. I would also suggest that you enlist the help of all the Past Honorees–JAMM has quite a roster now and they love to be asked to perform and help.

Doug, Natalie, and Ralph make a dynamic Scholarship Team. I hope they all stay and make progress with a partnership with Everett High School for the Cafagna/Izenson Scholarship and the JAMM Scholarship Band. I hope that every high school kid in that school (and all high schools in Mid Michigan) can’t wait to audition for that scholarship. I hope the JSB becomes the JAMM Scholarship Big Band or Jazz Orchestra someday!

I plan to work behind the scenes until year’s end with Candice and Kate to update and archive the JAMM Website. I will communicate with Paulette as to our needs for copy, etc. She can pass that info along to you all. I also will work with Paulette and the new Treasurer to get addresses changed, etc. I am hoping that if I cc Lynne (AKA best secretary) on these communications, she will take notes.

Gregg and I plan to contribute to JAMM every year and attend as many JAMM events as possible. We both are very proud to have been involved with such a wonderful group of people.

I wish you all the best as you move forward. JAMM is made up of a solid core of Founding Members, New Members, and Jazz Fans–all of whom are very committed to “preserve and promote the tradition of Live Jazz across Mid Michigan”.

It’s been my pleasure and honor to serve as JAMM’s President,
Thank you,

Peace, Love & Long Live Live Jazz,
Lois Mummaw, President, Jazz Alliance of Mid-Michigan 2009-2023
jammprez@gmail.com   5172421126

JAMM’s Archives: Your Help Needed

We’re working on a project that will take a bit of time to complete, so stay tuned!

We are assembling all audio and when available, all video of past JAMM Tributes and other events. We have quite an archive thanks to the work of JAMM Volunteers!

So far, what we appear to be in need of, if you have them, are photographs from some of the Tributes. If you have any, please email a note to jazzjamm2018@gmail.com, to let us know. Don’t just send photos, please. If you have videos as well, write to let us know.

The main Tribute events we need materials for are:
Sandy Izenson and Patti Richards, especially photos. We have audio for both.

It’s great fun to listen to some of these, after all these years! Here’s a teaser for you, from The Second Annual JAMM Tribute to the late Patti Richards. Singing here, Betty Joplin, who was friends with Patti and shares a bit about that here as well.

Patti Richards Tribute

Member and Donor Responses Tremendous!

Voting ends at midnight July 30. Input and replies from members and donors has been truly wonderful and exciting. As of the 29th, we literally have no idea who the choice will be.

How cool is that? It’s an indication of the vast range of knowledge among our members, and a great appreciation for the jazz community all around them.

The winner will be announced live at the JAMM Scholarship Group’s
Lansing Jazz Festival performance on Saturday, Aug. 4th at 4:30.
See full schedule and details at link above.
One last time, these are the finalists:

Gary Allen-nominated for his contributions to jazz, his mastery of guitar and for the lives he’s influenced. Through the love of his art, and his affable, inclusive personality, Gary is generous with his music and his encouragement. He is a seasoned master jazz musician and a good friend to many. A Founding Member of JAMM, he has been a Stockbridge, MI resident for the past several years, Gary has played all over the country and in Europe in bands big and small, and has rubbed shoulders or played with such jazz masters as Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Paul Gonsalves, Ira Sullivan, David Sanborn and more. For a series he created at the Stockbridge Public Library, where residents appreciate him very much, Gary has discussed episodes of his own life in music as well as selected aspects, eras and artists of jazz and blues. A portion of every session has been devoted to Gary playing a few tunes for an appreciative audience on his 1952 Gibson electric guitar.

Jeff Shoup-nominated for founding the series, “Jazz Tuesdays at Moriarty’s Pub” and his weekly stewardship of stellar jazz musicians featured each week. Besides being an MSU Jazz Studies graduate and a great jazz drummer, Jeff has spent countless hours supporting JAMM by working with the Board to host the JAMM Member Mixer on the Second Tuesday in January, organizing the 2013 JAMM Tribute Honoree Concert for his mentor and teacher Randy Gelispie, and, as artistic director of Lansing JazzFest, making sure that the JAMM Scholarship Band and the current JAMM Tribute Honoree get a gig each year.

Mike Stratton-nominated for his extraordinary support of the jazz community in Mid-Michigan and beyond. A Founding Member of JAMM, Mike has given of his time emceeing at jazz festivals for many years. He has been educating audiences on radio, a voluntary role, on LCC Radio for 21-plus years on a weekly basis on LCC Radio, with his Vinyl Side of Midnight program. Live on Sunday nights, the show has a vast listenership in mid-Michigan and beyond. Thanks to the Internet and the rebroadcast of his show on Taintradio.org., Mike gives exposure to countless mid-Michigan musicians through interviews on his show and playing of their music. He’s a lifelong student of jazz, always aware of who has a new CD or is doing something groundbreaking. The love and knowledge of jazz history in Mike’s heart and mind are almost enviable!

Thank you very much to all of you who submitted nominations for the 2019 JAMM Tribute Honoree. As a result of a blind, weighted vote, the current JAMM Board and Past JAMM Tribute Honorees have whittled that list of names sent in down to these three deserving individuals:

Gary Allen, Jeff Shoup, and Mike Stratton
Congratulations to all three of you!


If you are a 2018 JAMM Member or Donor, you will be receiving an email shortly to vote for your top choice to be 2019’s JAMM Tribute Honoree. The celebration will be held in November. Details forthcoming.

If you are not sure you are a paid and up-to-date member, email jazzjamm2018@gmail.com to find out. To become a member or to renew a past membership, visit www.jazzjamm.org. Simple, easy process.