JAMM’s Archives: Your Help Needed

We’re working on a project that will take a bit of time to complete, so stay tuned!

We are assembling all audio and when available, all video of past JAMM Tributes and other events. We have quite an archive thanks to the work of JAMM Volunteers!

So far, what we appear to be in need of, if you have them, are photographs from some of the Tributes. If you have any, please email a note to jazzjamm2018@gmail.com, to let us know. Don’t just send photos, please. If you have videos as well, write to let us know.

The main Tribute events we need materials for are:
Sandy Izenson and Patti Richards, especially photos. We have audio for both.

It’s great fun to listen to some of these, after all these years! Here’s a teaser for you, from The Second Annual JAMM Tribute to the late Patti Richards. Singing here, Betty Joplin, who was friends with Patti and shares a bit about that here as well.

Patti Richards Tribute